2010 Fall Field Trip: Frankfort Ky. Sunday October 17
The one-day Fall Field Trip to Frankfort is coming up soon - October 17th. This includes a walking tour of downtown to see sites associated with the secession crisis, the 1862 occupation of Frankfort by the Confederates including streets involved in skirmishing during their departure, Morgan's 1864 raid on the town, residences of notable personages from the Civil War era, and the Capital City Museum, which has a couple of interesting Civil War relics. We will also tour the Frankfort Cemetery, where we can see the graves of Simon Bolivar Buckner and many other Civil War soldiers and politicians, the Kentucky Military Monument, Confederate Circle, and of course Daniel Boone's grave. The high point of the day will be a tour of the Leslie Morris Park on Fort Hill, which features an 1810 log house visitor center outfitted as a Civil War era tavern, two Civil War earthwork forts, the site of an 1864 Morgan's Last Raid skirmish, and a spectacular view of downtown Frankfort. Our guide will be Nicky Hughes who is an expert on Frankfort in the Civil War.
Remember, there is no charge for this trip except paying for your own transportation and lunch. We will be car-pooling to Frankfort. Look for more details in the October newsletter and a sign up sheet will once again be at the dinner meeting.
Civil War Guide and Historian David Hinze Passes Away
David C. Hinze, well known as a tour leader for the Civil War Education Association and other groups, passed away suddenly on August 18, 2010, at his home in Rolla, Missouri. He was 58. David had spoken to us three times in the last few years and was the guide on our Trans-Mississippi field trip. Our own Dick Skidmore offered these words on his passing, “The death of Hinze is one of those "unbelievable" deaths that happen only occasionally. It cannot be comprehended. The guy was so full of exuberance in every job he undertook. We knew him as a truly excellent Civil War guide, excited for the opportunity to explain it all in detail, but what a wonderful classroom teacher he must have been. There will be many tears shed for Dave. He will be missed, no doubt about it.”
Membership Renewals
It is now time to pay the annual membership fees of the Round Table. Remember any amount you give above the basic or family membership fee is tax-deductible since the Round Table has tax-exempt status as a 501 (c) (3) organization!
The Options:
Option One: Regular Membership $30 Basic membership.
Option Two: Family Membership $35 Allows spouse or family living in the same household to also join.
+$5 For each additional family member.
Option Three: Patron Membership $55+ Membership with financial gift to LCWRT.
The additional funds raised through Patron memberships allow the LCWRT to take an active role in Civil War Battlefield Preservation as well as help pay the costs of bringing the very best Civil War speakers to our meetings.
Please send your membership renewal to: LCWRT, 1028 Sarah Drive, Louisville, KY 40219-4923
2011 Field Trip: Return to Gettysburg
The LCWRT will be going back to Gettysburg on March 30 through April 3 for our 2011 field trip to study the biggest battle of the Civil War with guide Chris Kolakowski. There is a limit of 54 that can take the tour so sign up early and pay your deposit. A nonrefundable deposit of $200 will guarantee your reservation. The sign up sheet will be available at the dinner meetings and since 30+ members have already signed in, this trip may fill early.