March 14 Meeting
The LCWRT will meet Saturday, March 14 and we ae pleased to welcome Michael Peake as our speaker. Mr. Peake is a Louisville native with fraternal ancestral Kentucky roots going back to the 1780s in the Nelson and Marion County regions of the State. He has researched the 32nd Indiana for over 14 years, and since retiring from Federal service in 1996, he has devoted his time to compiling the history of the regiment, and the Germans of both armies in the Civil War. He has published several articles and has released two books on the regiment’s December 1861 baptism of fire in central Kentucky. The Indiana University-Purdue University at Indianapolis and the Indianapolis German Heritage Society has posted his second book, Indiana’s German Sons, Baptism of Fire: Rowlett’s Station 1861, online in its entirety at:
His March presentation will be "German Blood Shed In This War" and will provide an overview of German participation in the Civil War with the First German, Thirty-second Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry as the prime example of the more than 50 German infantry regiments that served the Union during the war. A unique aspect of the presentation will include the use of original war period artwork created by regiment officer Captain Adolph G. Metzner who fashioned a notable collection of over 120 sketches, drawings, and paintings during his period of service with the 32nd Indiana in the Western Theater from August 1861 until September 1864. Only a small portion of this historically significant Civil War art has ever been published, and the general public has viewed little of the collection.
at amazon .com: Blood Shed in This War: Civil War Illustrations by Captain Adolph Metzner, 32nd Indiana
The 2007-2008 Patron Members
The following members have given generously to help our Round Table continue to provide quality programs for our membership. Thank you!
Win Ahrens
Tom Lively & Susan Givan
Jerry & Sharon Armstrong
Brad &Miranda Luppino
John & Mary Bellucci
Thomas Mackey
Everett Bethune, Jr.
Bob & Linda Marrett
John & Faris Bilby
Janet Marshall
Art Boerner
Reed & Janice Martin, Jr.
Bob & Judy Bortner
Vivian McDonald
Bob & Barbara Braverman
Don & Peggy Meyer
Doug & Barbara Brown
Charlie Moore, Sr.
Leif & Anna Bunting
Sonny & Betty Neurath, Jr.
John & Joy Davis
Marc & Jill Oca
Dave Deatrick, Jr.
Howard & Joyce Patton
Ken & Melissa Draut
Sheldon Rein
Monty & Holly Jenkins Evans
Joe & Virginia Reinhart
Sean & Mary Fore
Kerry Short
Dale & Donna Gettelfinger
Kurtz Simmons
Len Gross & Emily Durrett
Jim & Carol Simpson, III
Bill & Rose Mary Hambleton
Dick & Wilda Skidmore
James Pryor Hancock
Thomas & Mary Lee Speckman
Doug & Bobbi Harper
Matthew & Lori Sweat
Dave & Sue Hoffmann
John Thomas
Jack & Virginia Holt, Jr.
Don Van Slyke
Gary & Jackie Hopkins
Harriette Weatherbee
Maurice Jeffries
Bob & Sandra West
Al & Janet Jozik
Bryan & Cindy Doyle Winslow
Chris Kolakowski
Doug & Margaret Krawczyk
February 2009 Quiz Answers:
1. When did Abraham Lincoln first meet his vice president, Hannibal Hamlin?
Election Day, 1860
2. What two cabinet members tried to force General McClellan's resignation while Lincoln still relied upon him?
Edwin M. Stanton and Salmon P. Chase
3. What political leader slipped into Washington by night in February 1861?
Abraham Lincoln
4. What did Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, Samuel Clemens, Alexander Stephens and Ulysses S. Grant have in common?
They all suffered from bouts of depression (as did Sherman).
5. What did Abraham Lincoln, Jefferson Davis, Nathan Bedford Forrest, James Longstreet, Stonewall Jackson, Jeb Stuart and William T. Sherman have in common?
They lost children before and/or during the Civil War.
1. John Brown was sentenced to death by what authority and on what charge?
2. What Southern state is believed to not have had troops fighting for both the North and the South?
3. Name the six (or seven) Union officers who became President of the United States.
4. Who was the freed black called "one of the highest placed and most productive espionage agent of the Civil War," and what position did this person hold for part of the war?
5. By late 1864, who commanded what was probably the most experienced and large Union Army?
Harold Holzer at Cincinnati Round Table May 21
The Cincinnati Civil War Round Table is extending an open invitation to area Round Tables to attend its May 21, 2009 meeting. One of the speakers in greatest demand in this the year of Abraham Lincoln’s 200th birthday is the well-known Lincoln scholar Harold Holzer. The details required to make your reservation for this limited seating event are provided below. His talk will be, How Lincoln Became President --- In Ohio. The meeting will be held at the Drake Center, 151 West Galbraith Rd., Cincinnati. Ohio. The dinner begins at 6:30 and cost is $27.00. The speaker portion of the meeting begins at 7:30. You can attend the speaker only part of the meeting for $5.00. Reservation are required eight days in advance for both the dinner and the speaker only option by using the reservations link at; emailing; or by calling 513-861-2057.